Comparison of Medical Image Processing Toolkits and Software
Murray Meehan, June 9 2011
Identify the most widely used medical image processing (MIP) toolkits/libraries/software in the MIP research and industry communities. I want some practice using them, whatever they are, and hope to get a job developing them some day.
Murray Meehan, June 9 2011
Identify the most widely used medical image processing (MIP) toolkits/libraries/software in the MIP research and industry communities. I want some practice using them, whatever they are, and hope to get a job developing them some day.
I had hoped to find one set of tools that most of industry and academia had agreed on, that I could use at most companies worldwide. Unfortunately, as Dr. Basran said in his guest lecture this morning, the tools for medical imaging are in their infancy. Medical imaging is older than the internet, but the commercial developers haven't collaborated much so it's up to universities and open source development. You know how it goes.
I hope the MITK project takes off in a big way. It looks like a nice tool to use, and I think it would be fun to develop it. It might be too early in its development for me to get permission to use it for an academic term project this semester though. After the page break are the results of my search, a breakdown of Medical Imaging tools which seemed relevant.