Monday, May 30, 2011

Kinect Goals for the summer

This semester I intend to use a Microsoft Kinect sensor platform, the OpenCV library, the libfreenect driver, and C++ to:

  1. Read Kinect  RGB and Depth camera images into OpenCV (ref)
  2. Convert those to RGBD point clouds
  3. Convert those into coloured 3d mesh surfaces (see PCL Point Cloud Library,, )
  4. Optimize those using Linear, Butterfly, and Kobbelt subdivision schemes (see Elec 486 course pack, and possibly 1, 2 )
  5. Write a 3-dimensional audio reverberation/echo simulator (see 1, 2, 3)
    • which takes as inputs:
      1. a set of audio recordings of songs and of individual notes
      2. a set of x,y,z locations for these recordings to emanate from
      3. an event notification whenever the user moves their hand over a (virtual) audio source location, so that the audio can be paused/resumed or modified to give the effect of virtual reality musical instruments
  6. Document everything, and submit steps 3 and 4 for inclusion in the OpenCV library which currently has those functions sitting on its to-do list.
On a semi-related note, about a year and a half ago I was looking at contributing to the Blender project. I didn't contribute anything, but I did study the code base a bit and I think I might be able to handle importing the mesh object and a skeleton (as provided by OpenCV or OpenNI) into blender for animation purposes. I'm not sure how I would select points to attach the mesh to the skeleton, however. Inspired by 1, 2.

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