Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blinding satellites with lasers

I'm working on the ECOsat project at UVic right now (no website link right now, whoopsie...) and specifically my work involves the turbidity payload. Wait wait, that's a lot of buzzwords, I'll back up.

Some Canadian space tycoon (as I understand the situation) launched the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge a few years back, and the first round of it is still going on. This is a satellite competition, it can afford to take a few years. Last December I discovered that my university (which I have been attending since before the competition began) has a team. We are the only team in the competition from a school which does not have a space or aerospace program, which is widely seen as a bold move.

I've studied digital signal processing, which included some computer vision coursework, and I found it really really neat. Once someone knows what DSP is, they generally do. This lead me to volunteer to figure out the image processing module of the ECOsat, which it turns out is the primary payload. The folks working on the other payload, OSCAR, may disagree of course, but that's just because they think radio communication is more interesting than image processing. Bizarre, I know.

So I've been researching my butt off, trying to learn how satellite imaging works, in hopes of feigning competency when interviewing industry and academic experts whose help I need, and my latest problem has been that just about every imaging satellite that isn't in this world (that is, the successful ones) use linear imaging arrays.

Anyways, gtg. Here's a paper analyzing chinese potential to harm american imaging satellites with... lasers!!!

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